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Training Field Allocations

Find your team's training slot here.

Allocation Considerations

Please take the time to read the following guidelines and tips. They are to help us all train safely and be considerate of other Curly teams.

Best efforts have been made to have teams as happy as can be with allocations, but we have reduced field space and a record number of teams.

We still have a number of teams who have not booked their slot. This spreadsheet will be updated as needed. If you see an empty spot that would suit you better, please email to request a change. It may already be in the process of being allocated, but if it is still free we'll do our best to accommodate you.

Training Time Slot

Note that you are expected to set up and pack away within your allocated time.

  • Please be considerate of teams training before you and do not step on their pitch until your time begins.

  • Likewise, if you need to finish your training session five minutes before the time slot ends to allow for pack up, then please do so. Any team talks after training can be taken off the field, on the sidelines, so you do not hold the next team up. Ensure you are fully off the pitch by the end of your time-slot

Pitch Location

The pitch locations are illustrated at the top of the Training Pitch Allocation Schedule. Your allocated pitch is identified by the heading for the column that your training slot appears in.

Please only train in your designated area. Even if a spot seems empty, a team may be arriving shortly.

Here is an arial view that may help:

Ground Closures and Lights

Your team manager would have been informed about ground closures due to wet/dangerous conditions or due to night games.

  • Do not train when grounds are closed.

  • When a field is allocated to a night game, please share the remaining fields as best you can.

Lights are programmed to go on when it gets dark - provided the grounds are not closed.

  • If lights do not go on when expected, please contact the groundsman: Geoff (0400 784 219).

  • Or if Geoff is away - Sue (0413 339 334) or Paul T (0408 869 601).

    • Note: Geoff is away until April 13th.

The Allocation Schedule

If you have read all the above points, please click the link below to see the full training schedule spreadsheet.

Happy Training All!!

May the weather be kind to us this season 😊

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